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We view music as a group experience, where ensemble music is the larger outcome of the coming together of smaller components in which everybody participates and for which everyone is responsible.  Developmentally-appropriate activities for each age group guarantee that all students receive the fullest musical experience possible.

The music curriculum develops music literacy and enables students to use music as an expressive language. Students work their way through musical skills in a spiral curriculum where all of the nine standards identified by the National Association for Music Education are explored over and over at different levels of depth.

The National Association for Music Education standards include:

  1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
  2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
  3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
  4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
  5. Reading and notating music.
  6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
  7. Evaluating music and music performances.
  8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
  9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

Winter Assembly

Each year, parents and extended family are invited to our annual Winter Assembly, aspecial day of celebration and Miquon camaraderie featuring performances from every classroom group. It is a joyous day of the entire community coming together in a space outside of our regular school/campus routine to see the culmination of many weeks of children’s musical work before us in celebration of the season.

Want a taste of the fun?  View the latest Winter Assembly photo gallery.

Music Blog

Want to learn see a sample of some happenings from Miquon music?  Check out videos and teacher commentary posted to the Music Blog.

Scope and Sequence

View The Music Curriculum Scope and Sequence.

Curriculum Report

The curriculum report is the teachers’ review of the entire year, looking back and making observations after their plans, projects, problems, and revelations are long over. One of the distinguishing features of this report is the great extent to which each teacher’s style, focus, and personality come through in this retrospective narrative. Check out the Music Curriculum Report.

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