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Kindergartners are incredibly curious about their world—they have so many questions!  They are eager to investigate, make hypotheses, and experiment with their ideas. They have a captivating interest in interacting with others, and creating strong interpersonal connections. Given ample opportunity to observe and wonder, work and play, they are engaged and responsible advocates for their own learning.

What happens each day in Kindergarten at Miquon?

Kindergarten teacher Toni McDonnell explains it all!

We strive to integrate all of the various components of our kindergartners’ learning. It is our goal that their educational experiences be authentic and engaging. Furthermore, it is our belief that children’s healthy social and emotional development is inextricably linked to their development as life-long learners, and as positive members of our community, and of our greater society.

Child Development

At this stage of development, Miquon kindergarten students are developing in important physical and emotional ways. Throughout the year, our teachers help children to develop their relationships with themselves (e.g., improving self-care skills like hand washing and dressing appropriately for the weather), with others (e.g., improving communication skills like listening to others or playing in a cooperative fashion), and with our school (e.g., learning how to manage transitions during the school day, participating in group meetings).

The Details

Kindergarten is a full-day program that begins at 8:30 am and ends at 3:00 pm, with options for early morning care (beginning at 7:45 am) and after care (from 3:00 – 6:00 pm). The maximum number of children in the classroom is 21. To be eligible for Kindergarten, children must be five years old by September 1st the school year.  Once enrolled, they may travel to school either with their families or on one of Miquon’s vans.

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