2.7 Math Night
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Event start: Louis and Jeri’s Room
6:30 pm
Please RSVP so we can prepare materials and sessions appropriately for the number of attendees expected at this event.
Using the lens of algebraic thinking, the evening’s program will start with an introduction in Louis and Jeri’s classroom at 6:30 pm. Then rotating through various classrooms in small groups, our teachers will lead you through a series of explanations and activities that showcase Miquon’s math program from Nursery through sixth grade.
Our program will provide:
- an explanation about how the overall approach to teaching math has changed since we adults were elementary students,
- an overview about what makes Miquon’s math program so special, and
- a chance to work with the materials and activities your kids use every day.
Included will be information about how our curriculum follows National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards throughout Miquon, as well as TERC Investigations in Grades 1-5. It promises to be a fun, interactive night full of all things math! We hope you can join us!
If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to Tia Mathisen at tiam@miquon.org or 610-828-1231.
Before the event, we encourage parents to read up a bit! Below you will find links to helpful information about math learning in general, as well as details about Miquon’s math program in particular.
General information for parents:
- Math: Why yours doesn’t look like mine
- Talking Math with Kids
- YouCubed.org, from Mathematical Mindsets author and Stanford University Professor Dr. Jo Boaler
Read more about our math program:
- Program Overview
- Math curriculum Scope and Sequence
- TERC Investigations (used in Grades 1-5)
Child Care
Child care, including a pizza dinner, will be provided for Math Night attendees for $10 per child for up to 20 children on a first come, first served basis. This fee covers child care from regular school dismissal (3:00 pm) through the end of Math Night. You can send your child to child care at any time; pizza will be served at 5:30 pm, with leftovers saved for those who arrive at 6:30. Please mention you require child care when you RSVP.
(Please note, we do welcome younger siblings for evening care, although we cannot accommodate children in diapers.)
If you have questions about this event, please get in touch with Andrea Myers by emailing andream@miquon.org or phoning 610-828-1231.