12.20 Winter Assembly
Parents and extended family are invited to this year’s Winter Assembly, featuring performances from every classroom group!
We’ll gather on Friday, December 20 from 10 – 11:30 am at First United Methodist Church of Germantown (FUMCOG) for a special day of celebration and Miquon camaraderie. Arrive early (9:15-9:30) to find parking and seating; as a courtesy to our children, please plan to remain for the entire performance.
- FUMCOG does not allow food or drink inside.
- The upstairs seating area will be off limits, however there’s plenty of seating downstairs; please do not let children play upstairs.
- There is no van nor bus transportation on Dec 20; all families are responsible for transporting their child(ren) to and from FUMCOG.
- Vacation Care is closed. Please make child care plans for the afternoon of Dec 20.

You may drop off children and handicapped* guests on the High Street side of the church; Miquon staff will receive your party and walk them inside. Cars should park at nearby Settlement Music School, 6128 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144 or along High Street.
Parking at the Settlement lot is limited. Street parking is available but we highly recommend carpooling and using public transportation if possible.
*Handicapped guests should please get in touch with Charlotte before the show; her contact information is below.
If you have questions about this event, please get in touch with Charlotte Boulay, Director of Development, by emailing charlotteb@miquon.org or phoning 610-828-1231.