2.11-2.15 Strategic Planning Community Forums

The first of several community engagements to share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions with the school, each Community Forum will entail discussion about Miquon’s program, community, facilities, and financial structure. We are interested in hearing your story and your insights about Miquon. What are Miquon’s greatest strengths? What opportunities exist for Miquon in the future and why?

Community Forums are arranged by audience group (parents, board members, alumni, students, and staff) and open to all. However, attendance at each forum is capped at 20 people; we are taking RSVPs on a first-come, first-served basis. 


Check out the scheduled Community Forms below, and click the “RSVP” button below to reserve your spot!

Audience Group Date Time Location
Younger Alumni and their Parents
(Class of ’06 and younger)
Feb 11 6:30-8:00pm Library
Current Parents Feb 13 6:30-8:00pm Library
Current Parents Feb 15 8:30-10:00am Library
Board Members March20 7:00-
8:30 pm
Louis/Jeri’s room


Attendance at each forum is capped at 20 people; we are taking RSVPs on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please consider attending one of the Community Forums in February! Everyone has something to share!  Act quickly to reserve your spot!


Child care will be provided during the two Parent Community Forums. If you require child care, please complete that section on your RSVP.


Our conversation will be facilitated by Andy Mozenter, President of Concentrics, our strategic planning firm specializing in independent schools. Below, meet Concentrics President and forum moderator, Andy Mozenter, as he explains what to expect.


If you have questions or want to get in touch, contact Charlotte Boulay, Director of Development, by calling 610-828-1231 or emailing charlotteb@miquon.org.