9.13 All-School Photo Day
This year we again welcome back photographer Brian James!
We have a great location picked out for photos Friday, September 13! The make up day will be Thursday September 20.
Packages for physical prints and download options have been added or changed from last year.
Physical prints and downloads
Following photo day, we will be provide a password-protected URL you can use to view and purchase physical prints and digital downloads.In this password protected web page, you can view and purchase discounted physical prints of the all school photo, and class photos. Individual photos will be in another link.
You can purchase a digital download as well as physical prints of your child(ren). Based on feedback from last year, a smaller package and discounts for siblings have been added to the mix!
Sibling Discount
If you have more than one child at Miquon, Brian James Photo Studio is offering a discount on multiple packages or downloads. For this discount, you will not order through SmugMug. Instead, you will be asked to contact Brian directly and place your order through email and mail a check or give a credit card over the phone.
Digital download(s):
2 Children- originally $90.00 for two; NEW multi-child discount price: $70.00
3 Children- originally $135 for three; NEW multi-child discount price: $90.00
Photo Packages:
Sibling Package(s) have been added. Each child will have receive 1-8×10 print, 2- 5x7s prints, 4 wallets, 2-3.5×5 prints, 1 sibling 8×10 print, 2 5x7prints, 4 wallets, 2- 3.5×5 prints.
2 Children- Discounted price $150.00
3 Children Discounted price $175.00
Staff Contact
If you have questions, get in touch with Tia Mathisen by emailing tiam@miquon.org.