Riley Mann

Physical Education Teacher

B.S., Physical Education, Springfield College
M.Ed., Athletic Administration, Springfield College

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I believe that physical education is a vital part of the total education of an individual. Through physical education, an individual has the opportunity to develop physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. Physical education allows children to develop skills for use during leisure time and lifetime sports, engage in activities that are conducive to healthful living, develop socially, and contribute to their physical and mental well-being.

Throughout my life, sport and physical activity have been a central theme. I have played a variety of organized sports since I was in elementary school, coached many sports from youth to the college level, and still am involved on club teams. It has been a source of endless enjoyment, provided me an outlet when I needed it, taught me many life lessons, allowed me to meet many people, travel many places, and has helped me stay healthy and strong throughout different stages of my life (both mentally and physically).

My goal as a PE teacher is to pass on the knowledge and the love I have for sport and physical activity to my students, so that they will choose to be physically active throughout their lifespan.