Rossana Zapf

I have vivid memories of the playroom my sister and I shared when we were little: our beloved kitchen set, a tiny desk, magnetic letters, a surplus of art supplies, lots of dolls, a mini piano and a typewriter I inherited to practice writing. In this sacred space I especially loved playing school. So it’s no surprise that I became a teacher, a role where I sing, dance, experiment, discover, make art, read and write with children. I have spent nearly twenty years in education as a classroom teacher for kindergarten, first, second and third grades, and as a lower school reading specialist. The integration of fine arts, music and cooking are hallmarks of my teaching practice. My graduate work sparked a strong interest in a dialogic approach to learning and teaching as well as multicultural anti-racist education. I particularly love using picturebooks as provocation for conversations that nurture deeper understandings about diversity, inclusivity and equity. This past year, as one of the language arts coordinators, I have had the wonderful honor of supporting children and teachers in the classroom and working with families to support their children. I was first drawn to Miquon when we were looking at schools for our own kids. It was love at first sight and my children have grown up in this wooded haven, feeling free to be their fullest selves. Outside of school, I love to run, dance, cook, practice yoga, garden, read and be with my family.