Susannah Wolf '81
I am delighted to be back at Miquon as it is one of my favorite places in the world. I remember the freedom and joy I felt to be learning and playing at Miquon as a child. I always felt so known by all my teachers – each engaged with me distinctly, challenging me to bring my best self to school each day and rewarding me with opportunities that opened my eyes to a bigger world and the thrill of trying and learning something new. I see my colleagues, and our students and families, in much the same way today, and am gratified to be learning and growing with each of them.
As a seventh grader just out of Miquon, I was shocked to find that there were children who were not excited by or engaged in the process of learning, who, more unbelievably, did not love math. I knew in that moment that I wanted to change that experience for my friends, and for all children, by helping them to see the beauty and excitement that learning offered, particularly in mathematics. To this end, I worked as a 5th grade classroom teacher, a middle school math teacher, a lower school administrator and a math curriculum coordinator. It was clear that many children wanted the opportunity to engage in all subject areas in a way that stimulated their curiosity, respected their understanding, and challenged them to learn all they could. This is work that is done so well at Miquon. It is an amazing opportunity to return to Miquon to play a role in shaping this experience for all our children and families.