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Miquon Blog

The Miquon Kids’ Research Journal

Fifth and sixth grade students at Miquon designed and implemented their own experiments, developed testable questions, planned procedures, and collected data. View their projects and results here! READ MORE »

Children at the Center of Layered Learning

I just spent a week observing all of the group classrooms at Miquon.  What struck me most is how children consistently play the essential role in creating meaningful learning experiences.  In every single classroom I visited, children were observing, children were asking questions, children were making meaning, children were forming relationships. They were at the center of thoughtfully constructed experiences; the circumstances crafted by their teachers allowed their curiosity and caring selves to flow forth.  I have notebook pages full of observations to support this. I was incredulous when watching certain lessons unfold; in classrooms of all ages, teachers wove … READ MORE »


Check out our quick video featuring all of the important moments from the first day of Nursery and Kindergarten! 


Check out our quick video showing all of the important moments from the first day of school!

Playing Stories

Inspired by the methods of the brilliant preschool and kindergarten teacher Vivian Gussin Paley, the nursery children have been acting out the stories we wrote for this year’s Miquon Grass literary magazine.  Each morning at meeting, a child’s story is selected to be acted out, or played. We read it aloud, talk about what characters need to be in the story, and then the author of the story becomes the director and chooses the actors. While playing the story, the children pay close attention to each other and the director, taking cues from each other, as they do in play, but … READ MORE »