Wendy and Sara's Group Blog

Classroom Blogs

First week 2015: Hopes, dreams, & snow taffy

By Wendy Leitner-Sieber

It didn’t feel like a short week in the 4th grade! We seemed to manage to do a lot while also focusing on a gentle transition back from winter break, welcoming a new teacher, and shifting into our next topics of study.

The children picked right back up with their routines of the classroom, and began the new year with a wonderful discussion of the class guidelines. I asked them to explain to me why each of the ten guidelines was chosen by the group, and how they feel it has been working. They were some very thoughtful observations.

A few other highlights of the week:

  • Creating cards for Sarah and new baby Lia Violet!
  • A visit from Carol for a listening circle about winter break
  • Making maple snow taffy with Kate in science
  • Shaking off the numbers cobwebs challenging each other to some new math games
  • A library scavenger hunt with Amy for Caldicott medal books
  • Learning about Tibetan peace flags and creating our own ‘hopes and dreams’ flags to hang in our room
  • Trying valiantly to turn the 1.2 inches of snow on the lower field into some decent snowballs!

Enjoy a few photos of the week…

~ wendy

Listening circle Math games 1 Math games 2 Hopes and dreams

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