Extended Day Programs
Morning Care
No Contract Required / No Fee
Supervised care is provided from 7:45-8:15 am on school days for all grades, including nursery and kindergarten. We are not available to receive children before 7:45. Children in grades 1 – 6 are welcome to play independently at the lower end of the Woodchip Field, while nursery and kindergarten children will stay with a staff member at the Playbarn for play and read-alouds until the buzzer rings and they are escorted to their classrooms.
After School Care
Annual Contract Required / Fee-Based Service
Emergency Drop-ins Accepted
Non-Emergency Drop-ins based on Availability
At the end of the school day, children come directly from their classrooms and are checked in at the After Care Room. A snack is served and they stay in or near the After Care Room until all the buses have gone. Most of the afternoon is spent in free play in the creek, woods, and on the Woodchip Field. We also provide games, dress-up clothing, art projects, and toys. Our skilled, attentive staff help each child to feel at home. Login to the Family Portal to submit your annual After Care Contract.
2024-25 Annual Contract Rates:
Pickup by 5 pm Pickup by 6 pm
#days 1st child siblings 1st child siblings
5 2,965 2,520 3,780 3,215
4 2,500 2,125 3,185 2,705
3 1,970 1,675 2,515 2,135
2 1,385 1,175 1,765 1,500
1 725 615 925 785
2024-25 Drop-in Rates (per child):
Pickup by 4 pm: $15
Pickup by 5 pm: $25
Pickup by 6 pm: $35
Click here to sign up for a Drop In Time
Vacation Care
No Contract Required / Fee-Based Service
Vacation Care is offered during the school year on select days when school is closed, i.e., Winter Break, Spring Break, and some holidays. Most of our time is spent outside in free play or organized activities around the campus. Our imaginative, skilled staff keep the children involved with games, stories, toys and activities, and parents are kept informed about the character of each day. Children bring their lunches to Vacation Care; we provide morning and afternoon snacks. For rates and to register, click here.
Summer Vacation Care
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Fee-Based Service
Click here for to sign up for a Drop In Time
Summer Vacation Care is offered during the weeks that Day Camp is NOT in session for children ages 4-12, with games, craft projects, and outdoor activities. All children participate in a daily swim that is supervised by our staff and a certified lifeguard. Families must provide lunches; we provide morning and afternoon snacks. Transportation is NOT provided. You must submit a physical examination form if our school or day camp does not already have one on file. Parents of very young children attending Summer Vacation Care may wish to read our information on toilet learning.
You will receive a monthly bill (October through June) from the Business Office for any Extended Day Program services that you have used. Please address billing inquiries to the Business Office at business@miquon.org.
School Closings
If Miquon closes for snow or other emergencies, our Extended Day Program will also be closed (unless announced otherwise).