Dear families,
We are glad you are interested in finding out more about Miquon, and we look forward to getting to know you through the admissions process.
Working together, we hope to inform prospective families about Miquon.
Together, we can discuss: How does Miquon put its educational philosophy into practice? What experiences will children have if they come to Miquon? What are the rewards and expectations of joining the Miquon community?
We’ll also determine whether Miquon is the right environment for the child.
We believe that most children will thrive at Miquon, and also that there are some for whom our environment and style are not well-suited. We arrange for each applicant to visit Miquon, and we seek insights from the current teacher who knows them best. Your child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development and needs are carefully considered. We expect that you will share information about your child that will help us determine whether or not Miquon is a good match.
Learn More about our Community by requesting our admissions materials. Then, sign up for an individualized tour! Tours are daily at 9:00 AM or 10:30 AM and are for one family at a time.
We look forward to meeting you.
Bree McNamara
Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
Current Parent and Board Member Lee-Ann Chae answers the question Why Miquon?