Physical Education Blog

Classroom Blogs

Physical Education Oct. 2015

By Nancy Schmucker




Sport and physical activities are social. There are very few activities that you participate in alone, so it is important to learn to be an effective member of a group.

Classes were given a physical “problem” to solve…either they had to save everyone from sinking with the Titanic (and rescue everyone on “life-boats”, cross a poisonous swamp with “magical lily pads”, flip a mat over without stepping off, get the class in a certain order without stepping off of a log, or get everyone off the moon with only one spaceship…or…you get the idea. In order to complete the activities, the groups had to critically think, problem solve, collaborate, cooperate, and communicate (a lot).

Below are some of the partner and group initiatives/activities in action:


sheet throw and catch – students try to throw the ball up as high as they can using a sheet (without letting go)…and try to catch it.


two heads are better than one (sometimes) – two students in a giant shirt playing a throw/catch game to goal.


spider transfer – each member of the group holds onto a string and attempts to lift the ball off the cone (rested on a ring) and transfer it across the room onto another cone.


scrabble relay – teams of 2-3 collect balls (with letters on them) then try to spell words with them. the more letters in a word, the more bonus points.


mine field trust walk – seeing partner talks blindfolded partner through a room with a variety of obstacles.


trust walk through the Miquon campus – seeing partner guides blindfolded partner on a hike


letter/mumber/word write – given a letter, number, or word…see how fast they can create by laying on the ground using the whole group


skyscraper challenge – given a bunch of pool noodles and a limited amount of masking tape, students work with their group to see how high can they build a freestanding structure.


Kin-Ball – an international sport involving 3 teams (wearing 3 different colors). When a team is called, they have to catch the ball and serve it within 10 seconds.

Essential Questions:

How Can I help my group?

  • share ideas
  • be positive
  • help someone who needs it
  • communicate
  • cooperate

What kind of leader do I want to follow?

  • nice
  • communicates well (doesn’t yell, but talks)
  • helps people
  • is fun


Some activities are just to practice working together to help others…and to have fun.

Little Gelflings – a tag game…when a little gelfling gets tagged, two of his/her friends has to free them by joining hand and saying “go free little gelfling, go free, go free…”

Nursery and Kindergarteners are also working on throwing and catching…

along with locomotor skills (skipping, galloping, jumping, hopping, and sliding), personal space (moving and practicing skills without running into other people), tagging and chasing, and striking and volleying (balloons)…

Essential Questions

Why do we play?

  • for fun
  • to learn
  • to hang out with friends


How do I get better at a skill?

  • practice (try and try again)
  • stay positive
  • challenge yourself

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