Giving voice to our best guess
Math work at Miquon often works across several topics, connecting mathematical reasoning skills with students’ number sense and experience of relative distances. READ MORE »
Math work at Miquon often works across several topics, connecting mathematical reasoning skills with students’ number sense and experience of relative distances. READ MORE »
At Miquon, we believe that social and emotional growth is so integral to childhood that academic work cannot be seen as something our children are doing separately from their lives as friends. READ MORE »
Children sing as a part of their conference week study of Ghana. READ MORE »
What does it look like to be a mathematician at Miquon? In our room, it takes many forms. The children can be found READ MORE »
Looking at a week in the life of our group show some of the ways childhood is valued at Miquon. Our daily rhythms are designed to make room for a broad variety of experiences. The children have opportunities to flex different kinds of muscles, literally and figuratively. Within any given day, a Miquon kid might be READ MORE »
Photo of the Day READ MORE »
The enthusiasm the children are showing for this project is infectious, and it comes back inside with them to the classroom where they village bring questions to research. READ MORE »
A new community forms in all of the small moments of those early weeks, as friends reconnect around familiar interests, or new kindred spirits are discovered. The groundwork is laid for a year of sharing and listening, working through differences together, and discovering ways to hone our learning skills with one another. READ MORE »
Since spring break, we have been exploring the world of the ancient Greeks during the classical period of 5th century B.C. Athens. Among other things, we have read about the large role that poetry played in that society. April, which is national poetry month, is also a time of almost unbearable beauty on campus. It has inspired all of us in Wendy & Sara’s group to bring out our inner poets. We are challenging ourselves this month to memorize a favorite verse (as an Athenian citizen might have done) and to try our hand at writing poetry of our own. … READ MORE »
Wendy and Sara’s group wrapped up our Theme exploration of ancient Egypt recently with an event to bring together many facets of our learning about this time and place. We chose some projects to celebrate aspects of this civilization that captured the children’s imagination, and invited our friends from the 5/6 groups to visit. They had the chance to share in typical foods, watch some skits about inventions and discoveries of the time, to sample our versions of such Egyptian discoveries as beeswax perfume and mineral inks, and play games our kids invented using inventions on a timeline and the dimensions … READ MORE »