Diane and Mark's Group Blog

Classroom Blogs

Visualizing for Understanding

By Diane Webber

Understanding mathematical operations is about seeing and understanding how and why they work, not about taking someone’s word for it (a teacher’s, a friend’s, or a textbook’s). While all of that input can be helpful, there is nothing like making the discovery for yourself — constructing your own understanding — for making a concept stick and be easily transferred to other situations.

In the pictures above, one student is at the board making the connection between a box visualization of multiplication, the partial products that are involved, and the standard (or traditional) algorithm.

In the other two photos, a small group wrestles with the nature of division, finding out for themselves why a “remainder,” a term with which they are very familiar is, in fact, a fraction! It took some doing — including setting up a trading station for Dienes blocks (base-ten blocks), but every child in the group seemed to have their own “a-ha!” moment. Ask your child what “a-ha” moment they’ve had lately, in math or anything else. And perhaps share one of your own!

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